1.If you get the ball, you need to get on the trampoline, and then put the ball into the ring.
2.In RINGBALL you can't touch ball by legs, even for a moment!
3.here need to be at least 2 teams in ringball. 4.One person from each team stand on the trampoline and wait for a ball, then that person can put the ball into the ring. 5.Teams CAN NOT stand in one place (even for a moment) with the ball. 6.Both teams can paly until 30 points, but after 15 ball CAN NOT touch the floor!} 7.If ball touched the floor, opposing team gets the ball and one point.
1.If you get the ball, you need to get on the trampoline, and then put the ball into the ring.
2.In RINGBALL you can't touch ball by legs, even for a moment!
3.here need to be at least 2 teams in ringball.
4.One person from each team stand on the trampoline and wait for a ball, then that person can put the ball into the ring.
5.Teams CAN NOT stand in one place (even for a moment) with the ball.
6.Both teams can paly until 30 points, but after 15 ball CAN NOT touch the floor!}
7.If ball touched the floor, opposing team gets the ball and one point.
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