Wymień cechy pozytywne i negatywne : Zmiany nauczyciela w szkole Kursu j.angielskiego w Anglii
New teacher: Positive -A new teacher gives you a new view on the language -A new teacher can give you new ideas -A new teacher can do more immersing classes Negative -Your new teacher can be very rude -You may not like your new teacher's way of teaching -Your new teacher may not like you Learning English in England: Positive: -You will know the correct pronuncitation -You will learn English idioms you wouldn't learn at an English class -You will learn English customs(zwyczaje) Negative: -If you aren't advanced enough to speak fairly good English, you will not learn anything -Your teacher won't help you translate texts to your native language -You won't be able to find many friends if you don't know English enough to use it everyday
-A new teacher gives you a new view on the language
-A new teacher can give you new ideas
-A new teacher can do more immersing classes
-Your new teacher can be very rude
-You may not like your new teacher's way of teaching
-Your new teacher may not like you
Learning English in England:
-You will know the correct pronuncitation
-You will learn English idioms you wouldn't learn at an English class
-You will learn English customs(zwyczaje)
-If you aren't advanced enough to speak fairly good English, you will not learn anything
-Your teacher won't help you translate texts to your native language
-You won't be able to find many friends if you don't know English enough to use it everyday