wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachowac sens zadania wyjsciowego. w kazda luke mozesz wpisac maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz juz podany
1 We'll have a great time in lvrea unless we get hit by oranges. IF We'll have a great time in lvrea ___ get hit by oranges 2 You won't be able to comples the Via Ferrata if you aren't fit. UNLESS You won't be able to complete the Via Ferrata ___ fit.
1 We'll have a great time in lvrea unless we get hit by oranges. IF
We'll have a great time in lvrea if we don’t get hit by oranges.
2 You won't be able to complete the Via Ferrata if you aren't fit. UNLESS
You won't be able to complete the Via Ferrata unless you are fit.