Zadania rozwiązuję po kolei, załączniki od lewej do prawej zad 1. 1. both few neighter little less 2. both little neighter both 3. less little little zad 2. ---> załącznik zad 3. 2. fewer 3. little 4. few 5. less 6. less 7. few 8. less
zad 4. feeling better 2. most 3. both 4. none 5. hardly any 6. few 7. none 8. most 9. some 10. no
zad 5. 2. I don't have much work to do. 3. None of teachers at our school lety ... (reszta zdania ta sama) 4. I have hardly any Facebnook friends 5. Several people I know... 6. Both of my brothers are very lazy 7. Neighter of my phones works.
zad 1.
1. both few neighter little less
2. both little neighter both
3. less little little
zad 2. ---> załącznik
zad 3.
2. fewer
3. little
4. few
5. less
6. less
7. few
8. less
zad 4. feeling better
2. most
3. both
4. none
5. hardly any
6. few
7. none
8. most
9. some
10. no
zad 5.
2. I don't have much work to do.
3. None of teachers at our school lety ... (reszta zdania ta sama)
4. I have hardly any Facebnook friends
5. Several people I know...
6. Both of my brothers are very lazy
7. Neighter of my phones works.