Wyjaśnij dlaczego młodzież z twojego osiedla nie chce budowy hipermarketu. Poproś swoją ciocie o pomoc. Zaproponuj jej spotkanie z młodzieżą . Możecie to pisac i po polsku i po angielsku jak wolicie dam aj plis szybko:)
I just want to tell you that young people from my estate doesn't want to build a supermarket. That's horrible horrible idea. It gets a lot of cars. It will be dangerous here.
I want to offer you a meeting with this people. You will have time to think about that idea. I wish that will help to stop building this supermarket.
Dear Aunt!
I just want to tell you that young people from my estate doesn't want to build a supermarket. That's horrible horrible idea. It gets a lot of cars. It will be dangerous here.
I want to offer you a meeting with this people. You will have time to think about that idea. I wish that will help to stop building this supermarket.
Your ......