Pracujcie w parach i wykonajcie zadanie. Następnie zamieńcie się rolami. Rozmowę zaczyna uczeń B.
UCZEŃ A Jesteś uczniem/uczennicą szkoły międzynarodowej. Twoja klasa pomaga w organizacji szkolenia poświęconego dobrej autoprezentacji w szkole, na uczelni i w pierwszej pracy. Udzielasz informacji osobie zainteresowanej uczestnictwem tym kursie. Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które należy omówić w rozmowie z uczniem B; - czas i miejsce szkolenia - cena i ewentualne zniżki dla studentów - kwalifikacje prowadzących - program kursu
UCZEŃ B Jesteś uczniem/uczennicą szkoły międzynarodowej. Chcesz wziąć udział w szkoleniu poświęconym dobrej autoprezentacji w szkole, na uczelni i w pierwszej pracy. Rozmawiasz z przedstawicielem/przedstawicielką organizatora szkolenia. W zależności od tego, jak potoczy się rozmowa, spróbuj włączyć do niej wszystkie/wybrane punkty; - poproś ucznia A o dokładniejsze objaśnienie jakiejś kwestii, - grzecznie nie zgódź się z uczniem A, tak aby musiał podać kolejne argumenty i zaproponować inne rozwiązanie, - zapytaj, czy otrzymasz zwrot części kosztów za zajęcia, w których nie możesz wziąć udziału, - dowiedz się, czy, mimo tego że nie masz jeszcze legitymacji studenckiej, otrzymasz zniżkę studencką
UCZEŃ B: Hi, I heard about the training on effective self-presentation and I'm really interested in participating. Can you provide me with more details?
UCZEŃ A: Of course, I'd be happy to! The training will take place at our school premises, and it's scheduled for next month. The exact date and time will be announced soon.
UCZEŃ B: That sounds great. How much does it cost, and are there any discounts available for students like me?
UCZEŃ A: The cost is $100 for the entire training. As for student discounts, yes, we offer a 20% discount for students. You'll need to present your student ID when registering to avail of this discount.
UCZEŃ B: Perfect, that makes it more affordable for me. Who will be leading the training? What are their qualifications?
UCZEŃ A: The training will be led by experienced professionals in the field of communication and personal branding. They have a background in public speaking, and some have worked in HR. Their credentials are quite impressive.
UCZEŃ B: That's reassuring. Just one more thing, what's covered in the training program? Could you give me a brief overview?
UCZEŃ A: Certainly! The program includes sessions on effective communication, body language, resume building, interview skills, and even online presence. It's a comprehensive course to help you excel in school, university, and your first job.
UCZEŃ B: Sounds like exactly what I need. Just one more thing, do you offer a refund for any sessions I might miss due to prior commitments or unforeseen circumstances?
UCZEŃ A: Unfortunately, we don't offer refunds for missed sessions. However, we provide materials and resources to help you catch up in case you miss a class.
UCZEŃ B: Understood, thanks for the clarification. I'm excited to join the training and improve my self-presentation skills.
UCZEŃ A: Of course, I'd be happy to! The training will take place at our school premises, and it's scheduled for next month. The exact date and time will be announced soon.
UCZEŃ B: That sounds great. How much does it cost, and are there any discounts available for students like me?
UCZEŃ A: The cost is $100 for the entire training. As for student discounts, yes, we offer a 20% discount for students. You'll need to present your student ID when registering to avail of this discount.
UCZEŃ B: Perfect, that makes it more affordable for me. Who will be leading the training? What are their qualifications?
UCZEŃ A: The training will be led by experienced professionals in the field of communication and personal branding. They have a background in public speaking, and some have worked in HR. Their credentials are quite impressive.
UCZEŃ B: That's reassuring. Just one more thing, what's covered in the training program? Could you give me a brief overview?
UCZEŃ A: Certainly! The program includes sessions on effective communication, body language, resume building, interview skills, and even online presence. It's a comprehensive course to help you excel in school, university, and your first job.
UCZEŃ B: Sounds like exactly what I need. Just one more thing, do you offer a refund for any sessions I might miss due to prior commitments or unforeseen circumstances?
UCZEŃ A: Unfortunately, we don't offer refunds for missed sessions. However, we provide materials and resources to help you catch up in case you miss a class.
UCZEŃ B: Understood, thanks for the clarification. I'm excited to join the training and improve my self-presentation skills.