Wybierz jeden z problemów i napisz 5 nakazów i 5 zakazów problemy : - I'm always tired (ciągle zmęczony ) -I'm often have a headdache (ciągle głowa boli) przyklad nakazów : dont smoke mają być take krótke :)
Levy1992I'm always tired ZAKAZY: - Don't work too hard. - Don't wake up early. - Don't watch TV till late. - Don't play too much computer or video games. - Don't eat fast food or other unhealthy food. NAKAZY: - Sleep long and well. - Drink more coffee or strong tee. - Go to sleep before 10pm. - Take magnesium everyday. - Spend more time outdoors.
- Don't work too hard.
- Don't wake up early.
- Don't watch TV till late.
- Don't play too much computer or video games.
- Don't eat fast food or other unhealthy food.
- Sleep long and well.
- Drink more coffee or strong tee.
- Go to sleep before 10pm.
- Take magnesium everyday.
- Spend more time outdoors.