Wybież dwa zawody z ramki i wyobraź sobie ze je wykonujesz. Napisz zadania opisujące twoje obowiązki.Przeczytaj je klasie... i to już nie potrzebne
I look after patients. I change bandages. I make beds. Who am i?
Z góry dziekuje.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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is one of theprofessions whichare held in highprestigeand respectin the society.This is mainly becauseofthe hugerole thatmedicineplaysin modern society.
The doctormakes an assessmentofthe patient's healthâ??by conductingresearchspecialistdiagnosedthe disease, determine thetreatmentplan forthe patient,prescribemedicationsneededandoversees the entireprocessof treatment.To himbethe coordinationof the whole processof treatment, leadingrehabilitationtherapyto modifyon the fly.
In the case ofcompletesurgicalspecialization, doctorsperformtreatments andsurgery,transplantorgansinvolved inimplantation.
If necessary,aspecialtyphysiciandirectsthe patient toother specialistsâ??very oftendeterminethe disease and itstreatment requires thecooperation of severaldoctors, andthusthe appropriateselection ofmedicines and treatmentsthatdo not interferewith each other.The medical doctoralso carries outresearchfor the purposeof healthycontrols, establishesthe ability to workin a given profession,takesbiological materialfor further studyandpreparingmedical reportsfor a variety ofinstitutions, such asinsurance companies,the courts.