September 2018 2 27 Report
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Our Father
Our Father,
Who art in Heaven;
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
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To wyrażenie ,zwrot czy fraza ? określ ! . 1.Spisać się na medal. 2.Nadać bieg sprawie . 3.Grać czysto . 4.Szermierka słowna 5.Obniżyć poprzeczkę. 6.Druga strona medalu. 7. Z mety. 8.Stać na bramce 9.Popłynąć pod prąd 10.Sędzia kalosz 11.gol samobójczy 12.czarny koń 13.strzał w dziesiątkę 14.grać w jednej drużynie 15.dwie strony medalu 16. ktoś jest na medal. 17.Coś jest na medal 18. Sytuacja podbramkowa . 19.Damski bokser 20.Cios za cios 21.zostać na lodzie 22.pływać jak skierka 23.płynąć z prądem 24.Położyć kogoś na obie łopatki 25.Trafić kulą w płot 1.Zrobic coś bardzo dobrze 2.wpłynąć na rozwój wydarzeń 3.zgodnie z regułami ,nie oszukiwać 4.Inteligentna i błyskotliwa dyskusja 5.ułatwić sobie zadanie 6.inna wersja ,inny punkt widzenia 7. z marszu,natychmiast,od razu 8.wpuszczać gości do lokalu. 9.postępować niezgodnie z zasadami 10.Okrzyk kierowany przeciwko złemu sędziemu . 11.Swoim postępowaniem zaszkodzić samemu sobie. 12.Wielka niespodzianka 13.Trafne spostrzeżenie ,celna uwaga. 14.Być zgraną paczką o podobnych zainteresowaniach . 15.Dobre i złe strony jakiej sprawy 16.Ktoś jest świetną osoba 17.Coś bardzo dobrze zrobione. 18.trudna,krytyczna sytuacja wymagająca natychmiastowego działania . 19.mężczyzna ,który bije kobiety,tchórz 20.Odpłacać komuś tym samym 21.Wrócić do punktu wyjścia 22.pływać źle,nieumiejętnie 23.żyć zgodnie z obyczajem 24.zwyciężyć kogoś,być lepszym 25.zrobić nie tak jak trzeba
angielski ! potrzebny ktoś dobry ! zadania do sprawdzianu ! daje moje wszystkie punkty 24 :) Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, które z podanych zdaƒ sà zgodne z treÊcià tekstu, a które nie. Zdania prawdziwe zaznacz literà T (true), a zdania fa¸szywe literà F (false). (6 x 1 pkt = 6 pkt) 3 ZakreÊl poprawne odpowiedzi. Admiral Horatio Nelson By the time he was twelve, Nelson had already joined the Royal Navy. Ironically, he found that he suffered from chronic seasickness, a problem that he had to fight all his life. He was sent to the West Indies, and by the time he was 20 he had become a Captain. In 1794, he was shot in the face during a naval operation near Corsica and lost the sight in his right eye. In 1797 he helped a lot to win the Battle of Cape St. Vincent and was promoted to Admiral. Later in the year, he was shot in the right arm and doctors had to amputate it, which was the best medical practice for serious injuries for the time. However, he is the most famous for his victory in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. His crew respected him a lot and he is one of the most important British heroes. Extract from ‘Admiral Horatio Nelson’ first published in Bridge, No. 1-2 September /October 2005 © Bridge Polska 1 Nelson was twelve when he became a Royal Navy recruit. 2 Nelson’s seasickness lasted his whole life. 3 Nelson became blind in one eye during a sea battle. 4 Nelson was in no way responsible for the victory of the Battle of Cape St. Vincent. 5 Nelson was shot twice after he became Admiral. 6 The amputation of his arm was the worst thing the doctors could do zad 3 zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi 1 We haven’t reached our destination yet /already. 2 I have never /ever been to any foreign country. 3 We’ve lived in this town since / for six months. 4 He is /has been deaf since he was born. 5 They have just /yet completed the race. 6 I’ve had a stomach ache for /since yesterday. 7 In the past people didn’t use/used to wash regularly. 8 We hadn’t /haven’t met before you introduced us. 9 By / In the age of 12 he had already learnt to drive. 10 Who was this book written through /by? zad4. uzupełnij słowami ( so ,known,had,the,journey,was,were,altthough,yet. Wroc¸aw is 1) as the ‘Polish Venice’. It boasts 112 bridges and has always 2) a reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. Touring the city is like a 3) back through time. Ostrów Tumski, the oldest part of the town, 4) built in the 13th and 14th centuries and is called Cathedral Island. You can also visit the Leopoldine Hall from the 17th century with 5) largest baroque decorations in Poland, 6) don’t miss your chance. I haven’t been there 7) but I’m going there for my holiday – and you? zad5. uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi foramami rzeczownika . uzyj czasu past simplepresent perfect . I always (want) to win a medal and I hope I will one day. I (be) very close to winning it last year. 2 She (write) me an email yesterday but I (not answer) it yet. 3 We (not prepare) for the test so we (fail). 4 They (live) in our town since they (move) here 3 months ago. 5 I never (be) to Sopot. zad 6 napisz zdania w storonie biernej czasu past simple Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium. 2 Marketing experts invented spam. 3 JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter. 4 Columbus didn’t bring chocolate to Europe. 5 People in the distant past didn’t know sign language. 6 James Maxwell took the first colour photo in 1863. zad 7. wstaw odpowiednie wyrazy z ramki (do,make,put,swim,perform,light,translate,build zad 8 . A 1 We were exhausted because 2 You can’t fly 3 He made 4 We’re extremely grateful 5 I’d like to learn 6 Why don’t you do 7 They were worried 8 If you want to make 8 Po¸àcz zwroty z kolumn A i B, tak aby powsta¸y poprawne zdania. (8 x 1 pkt = 8 pkt) 1 It was a long and challenging journey. 2 We’re going to a gig tonight. 3 Paragliding is real fun. 4 I’ve lost a very valuable watch. 5 It took him 6 months to recover from the injuries. 6 We were glad he didn’t come. 9* Przet¸umacz podkreÊlone s¸owa na polski. (6 x 1 pkt = 6 pkt) B a aerobics to keep fit? b about their parents’ reaction to the problem. c a kite if there’s no wind. d an attempt to climb Mount Everest. e friends, you must be more sociable. f we had to walk all day long. g for our parents’ support. h first aid before I take part in the race.
5 zadań zadania z !uzupełnianie luk, konstrukcja ing ! zadania z formami going to, will/won’t lub shall! każde zadanko jest ważne ! potrafisz tylko jedno zrób jedno ,zawsze coś ! na jutro ! potrzebuje !1.Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki ! . 1. wyrazy:doesn’t was mustn’t must if the him watches up and himself enjoys but forward not . Ronaldinho may not be the world’s best-lookingplayer 1)his footballing skills are simplyamazing. He grew 2)in a happy homeand music plus football were his whole life from whenhe 3)about 3 years old. However, he was4)the best football player at school andsometimes he had to ask other boys to play with 5). Now he’s one of the best footballplayers in the world and he 6)have to askanyone to play with him because everybody wants tobe in his team! He says he isn’t perfect and adds thathe 7)learn to score more goals with his head. He believes that 8)he practises, he’llsucceed. He knows he 9)stop trying! He 10)other players scoring goals with theirheads and copies what they do. He doesn’t think about11)as a star and wants to learn many moreskills in 12)future. He says he’s a happyman who 13)himself when playing football.He has a marvellous family, good health 14)money. Now he’s looking 15)to anothe .zadnie numer 2 !. Przetłumacz wyrazy na angielski . Użyj konstrukcji z- ing oraz wyrazów podanych w nawiasach . 2.1 Widziałam was, jak graliście football in the park.(see/play) 2Słyszeliśmy, jak ktoś krzyczał in the room next door.(hear/scream) 3 Lubi´ słuchaç, kiedy śpiewajà ptaki. (listen to/sing) 4 Zauważyłam, ˝e ktoś czekał in front of your house.(notice/wait).zadanie 3 !Uzpełnij zdania formami be going to, will/won’t lub shall.1 In the summer we ... travel around theworld. We’ve booked all our flights and hotels. 2 I..... lend you more money if you don’tpay me back on time.3 I.... repeat the instructions if you want.4 The government ... change some laws tostop corruption. They said it on TV last night. 5 If he comes late, the teacher.... be angry.6. ....I help you with your homework oryou do it on your own?zadanie 4 ! Zakreśl poprawne słowo. 1 You must apologise/apology for what you did.2 He fell/felt asleep while he was driving.3 Don’t tell/say me all these lies!4 Her dog got lost. She felt very embarrassed/upset.5 Who is banging/clapping on the door?!6 Year/Annual aid for Africa is not enough.7 This story is incredible/invisible! I can’t believe it!8 Can you hold/keep a secret? 9 Never let your friends down/off or you will lose them.10 Please take care of/about yourself. zadanie 5 !wstaw brakujące słowa . 1 It... no difference to mewhatever you do. 2 I’ll keep my fingers .... for youtomorrow. 3. ....this button to start the machine.4 Take.... of yourself on this trip. 5 Please keep in .... – write e-mails orring. 6 Stop ....your nails – they will lookunattractive!

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