September 2018 1 31 Report


1we..........a walk in the park

2.i went.......with my friends on saturday night

3they went

4what time did you get........the restaurant?

5i was born..........1996

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Przeczytaj poni¿szy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, które z podanych zdañ 5.1.-5.10. s¹ prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fa³szywe (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem ( ~) odpowiedni¹ rubrykê w tabeli. (10 punktów)I THOUGHT, THIS IS AMAZINGWe'll never find anything like this againWhen Emma and Matthew moved to Norfolk, they rented a house to see if they could make their new life there. Two years lacer they’re still there and want to stay for good. What keeps them in Norfolk? It's their house, Nolly Grove, which they finally decided to buy, renovate and decorate using their own skills and imagination.Holly Grove was previously a farmhouse. like many houses in East Anglia, it is a combination of different architectural styles. One side comes from the time of King George V, Queen Victoria`s grandson, the middle part is Victorian, and the other side is just a series of unattractive rooms from the 1950s.Emma and Matthew were looking for a quick way of improving on this strange mixture of styles. They decided on colour.For example, the dining room in the Georgian part of the house had great French windows at either end, which made it very cold. Now it is much more optimistic and warm because it was painted yellow. Emma believes that yellow is always good - the brighter and deeper, the better!Another big colour idea was the redecoration of the drawing room. There was ugly wallpaper on its walls. One day Emma and Matthew decided that they had had enough, and covered all the walls with cheap red material. For nearly no money and in almost no time, they created a wonderful effect. The room changed into a great place to display their old furniture and paintings.As well as colour, Emma and Matthew also use a lot of unusual things and pictures toput on the walls of their house. In the bathroom there are large charts showing different kinds of birds and flowers. The kitchen is decorated with toys and the children's paintings. In the bedroom Emma used a lot of printed material and paper. For example, the little toilet is covered in wrapping paper which makes it look like a bright little gift box.Emma and Matthew's decorating ideas also helped to improve their daughters' room. The walls are covered with old pictures Emma had when she was a child. A family friend painted the ceiling full of poppies, anemones and roses - and now Elizabeth and Kitty wake up to a sea of flowers!TRUE FALSE 5.1. When they came to Norfolk, Emma and Matthew bought a house there.5.2. Holly Grove was first used by farmers.5.3. The middle part of Holly Grove is the oldest.5.4. Emma and Matthew decided on colour because it was the cheapest way of improving the looks of their house.5.5. In Emma's opinion, yellow is even better when it is bright and deep. 5.6. Emma and Matthew tore the ugly wallpaper off the drawing room walls. 5.7. The re-decoration of the drawing room took a long time but it created a great effect.5.8. The walls of the bathroom and the Kitchen are decorated with different things. 5.9. The toilet is small and dark.5.10. Elizabeth and I<itty have flowers on all the walls of their room.

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