Wsplnie z kolega z kursu planowaliście pojśc w sobotę do kina,ale zmuszona jesteś do zmiany planow.napisz do kolegi wiadomośc w ktorej: _odwolasz spotkanie _podasz powod odwolania spotkania _poprosisz kolegę o zwrot biletow _zaproponujesz wspólne zyjście w innym terminie
I'm so sorry,but I can't go with you to the cinema in Suturday,because my mom is very ill and I must take care of her.Can you give me back a tickets?I will be grateful.What you think about meeting in Wednesday?
Hi. Sorry but I can't go out with you on Saturday. My plans have changed. I have to stay at home. Can you give back tickets? Could we go together next weekend ?
Hi John!
I'm so sorry,but I can't go with you to the cinema in Suturday,because my mom is very ill and I must take care of her.Can you give me back a tickets?I will be grateful.What you think about meeting in Wednesday?
Hi. Sorry but I can't go out with you on Saturday. My plans have changed. I have to stay at home. Can you give back tickets? Could we go together next weekend ?