my socialization plans are very specific in terms of what I want to do, I want my plans to improve my sociability, more than anything with my neighbors, more than anything my plans include talking with them and thus improving my sociability, getting on agreement with them to go out and others.
-Respect, good example and dialogue are the basis for improving relationships, also avoiding noise and nuisance is better to solve common problems, both with colleagues and with neighbors and thus be able to live together in a harmonious state.
(El respeto, el buen ejemplo y el diálogo son la base para mejorar las relaciones, además evitar el ruido y las molestias es mejor para solucionar los problemas comunes, tanto con los compañeros como con los vecinos y así poder convivir en un estado de armonía.)
Verified answer
my socialization plans are very specific in terms of what I want to do, I want my plans to improve my sociability, more than anything with my neighbors, more than anything my plans include talking with them and thus improving my sociability, getting on agreement with them to go out and others.
Nose, si esto te servirá, pero, bueno.
Planes de socialización con compañeros y vecinas:
-Respect, good example and dialogue are the basis for improving relationships, also avoiding noise and nuisance is better to solve common problems, both with colleagues and with neighbors and thus be able to live together in a harmonious state.
(El respeto, el buen ejemplo y el diálogo son la base para mejorar las relaciones, además evitar el ruido y las molestias es mejor para solucionar los problemas comunes, tanto con los compañeros como con los vecinos y así poder convivir en un estado de armonía.)