The memo header consists of: The memo header “official memo”, the name of the sender and the name of the recipient. The body of the memo consists of the memo sisimemo. The memo leg consists of: the signature and the clear name of the memo maker.
tulis struktur memo
jawab: Struktur Memo
Kepala memo terdiri dari: Kop memo “memo resmi”, nama pengirim dan nama penerima. Badan memo terdiri dari sisi memo. Kaki memo terdiri dari: tanda tangan dan nama jelas si pembuat memo.
write the structure of memo
translate: Memo structure
The memo header consists of: The memo header “official memo”, the name of the sender and the name of the recipient. The body of the memo consists of the memo sisimemo. The memo leg consists of: the signature and the clear name of the memo maker.
tulis struktur memo
jawab: Struktur Memo
Kepala memo terdiri dari: Kop memo “memo resmi”, nama pengirim dan nama penerima. Badan memo terdiri dari sisi memo. Kaki memo terdiri dari: tanda tangan dan nama jelas si pembuat memo.
semoga membantu ya:)
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#semangat belajar dirumah
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Memo structure
The memo consists of several parts of the “structure” of the memo, including the following:
1. Head of Memo
The memo header consists of: The memo header “official memo”, the name of the sender and the name of the recipient.
2. Memo body
The body of the memo consists of the sides of the memo.
3. Memo feet
The memo leg consists of: the signature and the clear name of the memo maker.
semoga membantu