Write an ending for onr of the stories. -Look at the picture for that story. - Describe the scene.Who is there?What is happening - Make some notes about the rest of the story - Write your ending.Use about 150 words. - Remember to use the same tense and person that the story was started in
1 historia mowi mniej wiecej o kobiecie ktora miala kochanka i bardzo chciala wyjechac z nim na wakacje pewnej nocy ktos obudzil malzenstwo ona o tym wiedziala a maz wyszedl zobaczyc i uslyszala dzwiek potluczonego szkla......dokonczyc 2 historia przedstawia faceta ktora odwiedza ksiezyc i opowiada co tam go interesuje robi badania i pewnego dnia podczas badan spotkal mezczyzne ktory byl zmartwiony poniewaz jest jaka choroba ktora moze zagrazac zyciu i potem on tez sie przestraszyl nastepnie pojechal do laboratrium i zadzwonil do tego faceeta ktory byl inspektorem i pojechal do niego.......dokonczyc
Then the woman jumped out of her bed, still scared that her husband had found her lover there. She slowly and carefully tiptoed downstairs and saw her husband lying in the pool of blood. Next to him was Phil, her lover, who was holding a piece of broken glass dripping with blood. She wanted to scream, yet something inside her told her to be silent. Phil, seeing her, dropped the piece of glass on the floor and approached her. He hugged her and said it was an accident. He explained that when her husband saw him in the kitchen he rushed towards him with a baseball bat. Not thinking much he dropped the glass. Then the woman's husband slipped on the wet floor and fell on the broken piece of glass, which pierced through his heart and he died on the spot. Phil got panicky and tried to remove the piece of blood from his body and then the woman saw him. The woman believed him. They picked the body, carried it to the car and drive to the ocean to throw the body there....