Wraz z kolegami przygotowaliście przedstawienie, które zostało wystawione podczas imprezy szkolnej. Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii. - poinformuj jakie przedstawienie wystawiliście i z jakiej okazji było ono przygotowane - napisz jak długo trwały przygotowania i jaka była twoja rola w przygotowaniu tego przedstawienia - opisz problem, który mieliście w trakcie przygotowań i napisz jak go rozwiązaliście - wspomnij jaka była reakcja widzów i na co zostaną przeznaczone pieniądze ze sprzedaży biletów
120- 150 słów
Dear Tom. Greet you cordially. And thanks for your letter. I now present to you my crazy show. The presentation was organized on the occasion of truant and late for lessons. That;s why I was nominated to the role of Sleeper. Today at school with my class played and presented under the title: “Our school”. He played a major role in it, I was with Pillows. This role was very fun, Especially if the joke with a friend. I walked across the stage dressed as a pillow, which had trouble sleeping. Unfortunately, in preparing to perform one of his colleagues fell sick. I was frightened, but was replaced by Cuba. But thats not all the problems with our presentation of my bag flew in, fortunately that my friend Kate took a needle and thread. Please write me about your show. Kisses Twoje imie
Greet you cordially. And thanks for your letter. I now present to you my crazy show.
The presentation was organized on the occasion of truant and late for lessons. That;s why I was nominated to the role of Sleeper.
Today at school with my class played and presented under the title: “Our school”. He played a major role in it, I was with Pillows. This role was very fun, Especially if the joke with a friend. I walked across the stage dressed as a pillow, which had trouble sleeping.
Unfortunately, in preparing to perform one of his colleagues fell sick. I was frightened, but was replaced by Cuba. But thats not all the problems with our presentation of my bag flew in, fortunately that my friend Kate took a needle and thread.
Please write me about your show.
Twoje imie