Obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś film w nowym kinie.W mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii: •wyjaśnij, dlaczego nowe kino Ci się podobało •napisz,dlaczego polecasz obejrzany film •opisz,co zdarzyło się,kiedy wracałeś/wracałaś z kina. (50-120słów nie licząc wyrazów podanych na początku wypowiedzi) Na jutro
I am writing to tell you about the New Cinema that I went to yesterday. First of all I loved it.
The film yhat I watched was a comedy film and I think that you should watch it soon because I know that you really like comedy and I know that it will make you laugh. However, when I was walking back home i saw someone fall and brake their leg. I really felt sorry for him so I went to him and helped him.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my time there and I hope that maybe you could visit this place.
Hi Lena,
I am writing to tell you about the New Cinema that I went to yesterday. First of all I loved it.
The film yhat I watched was a comedy film and I think that you should watch it soon because I know that you really like comedy and I know that it will make you laugh. However, when I was walking back home i saw someone fall and brake their leg. I really felt sorry for him so I went to him and helped him.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my time there and I hope that maybe you could visit this place.
See you soon,________[twoje imię]
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