Wpisz poniższe wyrażenia do odpowiedniej kolumny tabeli. Niektóre z nich można zakwalifikować do dwóch grup.
the schopping, breakfast, the housework, the ironing, friends, dinner, a bath, lunch, homework, a rest, the washing up, a shower, your bed, something to eat, a shave, your hair, a chat.
have do make
... --- > jakby co to, to na górze to tabelka. XDD
Odpowiedź na pytania dotyczące twojej rodziny.
- goes to bed the earliest ?
- wakes you up in the morning ?
- gets up first ?
- brushes their teeth after each meal ?
- comes bacj home last ?
- cooks the best ?
- lays the table for special occasions ?
- walks the dog if you have one ?
- does the gardening if you have a garden ?
daje naj. ; )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a rest
something to eat
your bed
your chair
the shopping
the housework
the ironing
the washing up
a shave
a bath
a shower
a chat
My mother goes to bed the earliest.
My father wakes me up in the morning.
My brother gets up first.
My cousin, Ann washes her teeth after each meal.
I come back home last.
My grandma lays the table for special occasions.
My sister walks the dog.
My grandpa does the gardening.