Work in pairs.Choose a situation.(Praca w parach wybierz sytuację)
mi przypadła ta sytuacja.
2.You fell into a lake.The water was cold.
You have got a cough and a sore throat.You are feeling sick.
Polecenie:write a dialogue between a doctor and a patient
(Napisz dialog między doktorema a pacjentem)
nie za długi,ale też nie za krótki bo na pamięć będę musiała się tego nauczyć
pani mówiła że 5razy ma wypowiedzieć się doktor i 5 razy pacjent
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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D: Hello, how can I help you?
P: Hello Doctor, I had an accident, I felt into the lake, the water was freezing cold
D: that's horrible!
P: Yes, it is! I have sore throat and caugh.
D: It's probably because of the cold water
P Yes, I am sure it is, I was always careful what I was wearing
D: You need to take that medicine, and stay in bed. Do you need an excuse from school?
P: Yes of course
D: Ok, here it is. Remember to stay in bed. If it gets worse, come and see me again!
P: Ok Doctor, thank you. Good bye
D: Good bye