Proszę o pomoc!!! Potrzebuje do dziś .Będę mega wdzięczny. Napisz e-mail do swojego anglojęzycznego kolegi, który zdecydował się na wynajem samodzielnej kawalerki na czas studiów. W swoim e-mailu: • przeproś, że nie pisałeś/pisałaś wcześniej i wyjaśnij dlaczego, • skomentuj decyzję kolegi o nie wynajmowaniu mieszkania z innymi osobami, • napisz, jaką formę zakwaterowania na czas studiów ty byś wolał/wolała i dlaczego, • podziękuj koledze za zaproszenie i zaproponuj, kiedy możesz go odwiedzić. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów, nie licząc zdania, które jest podane.
I'm sorry for not writing sooner, I've been really busy with my studies and work. I hope everything is going well for you.
I heard that you decided to rent a studio apartment for the duration of your studies. I think that's a great idea! It can be tough to live with roommates, especially if you have different schedules or preferences. Plus, having your own place gives you more privacy and freedom.
Personally, I would probably prefer to live in a shared apartment or house with a few other people. I like the idea of having company and being able to share expenses, but I also understand that everyone has their own preferences.
Thanks for inviting me to visit you at your new place. I'm definitely interested and I'll have to check my schedule to see when I can make it work. Let me know if there's a particular date that works best for you.
Dear [Friend],
I'm sorry for not writing sooner, I've been really busy with my studies and work. I hope everything is going well for you.
I heard that you decided to rent a studio apartment for the duration of your studies. I think that's a great idea! It can be tough to live with roommates, especially if you have different schedules or preferences. Plus, having your own place gives you more privacy and freedom.
Personally, I would probably prefer to live in a shared apartment or house with a few other people. I like the idea of having company and being able to share expenses, but I also understand that everyone has their own preferences.
Thanks for inviting me to visit you at your new place. I'm definitely interested and I'll have to check my schedule to see when I can make it work. Let me know if there's a particular date that works best for you.
Best regards,
[Your Name]