Wlaśnie wróciłaś z obozu młodzierzowego.Napisz wiadomość e-mail ( ok 50-100 słów ) do koleżanki z Kanady. Poinformuj co najbardziej podobało Ci się na obozie . Opisz ciekawe wydarzenie związane z pobytem na obozie . Zaproponuj koleżance spotkanie po jej powrocie z wakacij.Proszę o pomoc i jeśli są błędy ortograficzne to przepraszam. :)
Hello, Katie How are you? I must tell you about my camp! I just got back from it and I must say, it was great! It was a sports camp. Everyday, we've been doing a lot of interensting things like playing football, volleyball, jogging, etc. The third day of the camp was most interesting, because the football star - Lionel Messi visited us! It was a great day, we've been playing with him all day. I almost sprained my ankle while playing with him, but eventually nothing bad happened to me. At the end, when he has to get back to his tour, he gave us all his autograph! It was a great time for me! I'll tell you more about it when we meet back in Canada, maybe next week in my house? Let me know if you can do it. Yours, Angelika
How are you? I must tell you about my camp! I just got back from it and I must say, it was great! It was a sports camp. Everyday, we've been doing a lot of interensting things like playing football, volleyball, jogging, etc.
The third day of the camp was most interesting, because the football star - Lionel Messi visited us! It was a great day, we've been playing with him all day. I almost sprained my ankle while playing with him, but eventually nothing bad happened to me. At the end, when he has to get back to his tour, he gave us all his autograph!
It was a great time for me! I'll tell you more about it when we meet back in Canada, maybe next week in my house? Let me know if you can do it.