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Szanowni Państwo
Piszę w sprawie komputera, który został zakupiony w sklepie internetowym miesiąc temu przeze mnie.
W reklamie pisało, że komputer jest wydajny i cichy.
Wczoraj włączyłem urządzenie i z wnętrza dochodziło dziwne buczenie. Na dodatek komputer podczas oglądania filmów i grania w gry strasznie się zacina.
Dzwoniłem do waszego sklepu i sprzedawca poradził abym przeinstalował oprogramowanie i wyczyścił komputer od wewnątrz.
Za komputer zapłaciłem duże pieniądze, urządzenie jest jeszcze na gwarancji więc proszę o naprawę lub wymianę urządzenia na nowe. Jeśli nie jest to możliwe proszę o zwrot pieniędzy.
Mam nadzieję, że problem zostanie szybko rozwiązany i urządzenie powróci do mnie w pełni sprawne.
Z poważaniem,
Z góry dzięki za pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writing on the computer, which was bought in the shop a month ago by me.
In written advertising that your computer is powerful and quiet.
Yesterday I turned on the device and from inside there have a strange humming sound. In addition, the computer when watching movies and playing games stutters terribly.
I called your store and the salesman advised me I reinstalled the software and cleaned the computer from the inside.
For the computer I paid big money, the unit is still under warranty so please repair or replacement of equipment for new ones. If this is not possible to ask for a refund.
I hope the problem will be resolved quickly and the device returns to me in full working order.
Dear Sirs I am writing on the computer, which was bought in the shop a month ago by me. Written in an advertisement that your computer is efficient and quiet. Yesterday I turned on the device and from inside there have a strange humming sound. In addition, the computer when watching movies and playing games stutters terribly. I called your store and the salesman advised me I reinstalled the software and cleaned the computer from the inside. The computer I paid big money, the unit is still under warranty so please repair or replacement of equipment for new . If this is not possible to ask for a refund. I hope the problem will be resolved quickly and the device returns to me in full working order. Sincerely, Martin
Dear Sirs I am writing on the computer, which was bought in the shop a month ago by me. Written in an advertisement that your computer is efficient and quiet. Yesterday I turned on the device and from inside there have a strange humming sound. In addition, the computer when watching movies and playing games stutters terribly. I called your store and the salesman advised me I reinstalled the software and cleaned the computer from the inside. The computer I paid big money, the unit is still under warranty so please repair or replacement of equipment for new . If this is not possible to ask for a refund. I hope the problem will be resolved quickly and the device returns to me in full working order. Sincerely, Martinv