October 2018 1 42 Report


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Proszę o rozwiązanie tego testuu! Bardzo potrzebne, oczywiście daje naj :))GRAMMAR1 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.1 Planes don’t move as fast as spaceships. Planes move ___________________ than spaceships.2 My friend usually gets to school later than me. I usually get to school ___________________ than my friend.3 The Earth rotates more slowly further away from the Equator. InParis,France, the Earth rotates ____________ than inBergen,Norway.4 I expected the restaurant to be awful but it wasn’t that bad. The restaurant was ___________________ than I’d expected.5 It was such an interesting book that I couldn’t stop reading it. The book was ___________________ interesting that I couldn’t stop reading it.6 She was very surpised at how easy the exam was. ‘___________________ an easy exam!’ she said.7 I’ve never seen such a bad film. This is the ___________________ film I’ve ever seen.8 The post office is closer to the bank than the market. The market is ___________________ away from the bank than the post office.9 The driving test was very difficult and she didn’t pass it. The driving test was ___________________ she didn’t pass it.10 They didn’t play football as well as they played basketball. They played basketball ___________________ they played football._____ / 10 points2 Use the two sentences to make a result clause with so or such …that. Start with the words given.1 He drove fast. He had a crash.He was driving ________________________________________ .2 Her ideas were unusual. Nobody understood her.Her ideas ________________________________________ .3 They thought the films at the cinema were awful. They didn’t go.They thought ________________________________________ .4 Her job was tiring. She booked a long holiday.She had ___________________________________________ .5 The prices were high. She didn’t buy anything.The prices _________________________________________ ._____ / 5 points3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences about Matt’s new car.1 it’s / a / car / old / brilliant _____________________________________________________2 American / car/ light / blue/ a / it’s _____________________________________________________3 lights / got/ square / it’s/ big _____________________________________________________4 got / comfortable / seats / bright / green / fantastic/ it’s _____________________________________________________5 got / seats / leather/ soft / wonderful / it’s __________________________________________________________ / 5 points4 Complete the sentences about you using the correct form of the present simple, present continuous, going to or future simple.Your arrangements for the next month1 I ______________________________________ next month.2 I ______________________________________ next month.Your predictions about your future3 I think ___________________________________________ .4 I’m sure __________________________________________ .5 I believe __________________________________________ .Your plans or intentions for the future6 I _________________________________________________ .7 I _________________________________________________ .8 I _________________________________________________ .Timetabled events in your future9 I ____________________________________ tomorrow.10 _____________________________________ next week._____ / 10 pointsVOCABULARY5 Put the headings into the correct column in the tables.The sea Adjectives Communications Health Computers Geography The universe Space Scientific processes Jobweightlessnessextra-terrestrialnavycrabbig bangexpandgerminfectiousengineerphysicistradarbroadbandblogmessage boardlatitudeequatordestructivemassivepasteurisationvaccination_____ / 10 points6 Read the clues and write the words. Some of the letters have been given.1 What ‘r’ in the sky is full of colours? _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 This ‘a’ means you have measured very carefully. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 This ‘e’ spends its life going up and down, especially in theUSA. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 If this ‘f’ is cheap, it encourages people to travel. _ _ _ _5 Lots of thoughts and ideas can come out of doing this ‘b’. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 This ‘d’ really shows that something is different. _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ v_7 Water, milk and oil are all examples of this. l _ _ _ _ _8 Your children’s children. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9 Quite amazing. a _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10 The opposite of strong. w _ _ ______ / 10 pointsREADING7 Read the four texts about flying. Match topics 1–10 to texts A–D.1 Solving pollution problems ____2 Small beginnings ____3 The pleasure of flying ____4 Trying again and again ____5 Flying your way out of trouble ____6 Unsolved pollution problems ____7 A big increase in the number of people flying ____8 Dangers in flying ____9 Knowing what people want from flying ____10 Non-stop flying ____AYou may never have heard of these two men … Stelios Haji-Ioannou and Michael O’Leary, but in the last ten years or so, these men and others like them have changed many people’s lives enormously. You are more likely to know of their airlines, easyJet and Ryanair, those two no-frills airlines that started a rush of air travel all over Europe. Nowdays, people think of flying from Pragueto Madridfor the weekend, or from Londonto Paristo meet up with their friends. And often, though not always, for incredibly low prices. These airlines have recognised that what many people like about travelling by air is not the ability to fly in luxury and be treated like a king or queen, but simply the ability to fly. And that ability comes with being able to afford to pay for the ticket. So, Stelios, Michael and others have done away with air tickets, travel agents, meals or entertainment on board and left us with the essentials … cheap and safe air travel. There is a downside though – the cheap flights have resulted in a big increase in air traffic and with that has come a big increase in air pollution.Not such a good way to change the world for Stelios and Michael, or for us.BTwo brothers, born in mid-19th centuryAmerica, revolutionised the world of travel through their invention of the airplane. Orville and Wilbur Wright, started small, very small – in the back of their bicycle shop inDayton,Ohio. It was there that they built wings, shaped parts, designed and redesigned, but above all dreamed and made dreams come true.Their first plane, better called a flying-machine, was really a kite, with a 5-ft. wingspan, and made of wood, wire and cloth. But it flew. They went on to build wind tunnels for experiments, design the best shapes for flying, make their own engines, work out how to move and control a craft in the air and how to land it. And they constantly observed, calculated and analysed, collecting masses of data from their experiments in the wind tunnel and on the sand dunes ofKitty Hawkon the American coast. On December 13, 1903, their years of hard work, vision and determination paid off as their Flyer, with Orville at the controls, took off and flew 120 feet (approximately 40 metres). The flight lasted 12 seconds. But that 12-second flight changed the world.CImprisoned with his son, Icarus, on theislandofCrete, Daedalus, a highly skilled Greek architect and inventor, decided to escape. He designed wings that would fly them to safety and built them from feathers and wax. Before they set off Daedalus warned his son not to fly too near the water in case his wings got wet, and not to fly too high in case they melted in the warmth of the sun. But Icarus loved the speed and the feeling of freedom that came with flying. He soared up and down, paying no attention to his father’s warnings. His wings melted and his body was carried ashore by the sea to an island now namedIthaca. Icarus died young, but he left us with knowledge of the thrill and excitement of flying.DThink big. Think very big. It’s enormous. The Airbus A380 is the jumbo of the skies. It has two decks and can carry between 550 and 850 passengers. With its huge fuel tanks it will also carry people further than any of today’s commercial aircraft, allowing direct flights fromSydneytoLondon, Hong Kong toSan FranciscoorSingaporetoParis. The makers claim that with its state-of-the-art design features, noise and carbon emission levels will be reduced, and that the A380 could actually cut the number of people flying by concentrating them on to fewer aircraft._____ / 10 points

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