October 2018 1 23 Report

Witam prosze o rzetelne wykonanie zadania, z góry wielkie dzieki :)

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer was on TV in America from 1997 to 2003. It was one of the most popular programmes in modern TV history. The actress Sarah Michelle Gellar was Buffy Anne Summers, a young woman on a mission to kill all the vampires in the world. The action happened in a American town called Sunnydale. Sunnydale was built on top of a place calles Hellmouth, a portal to a dimension where monsters, vampires and many other evil things lived. Buffy arrived in Sunnydale in 1997 with her mother, Joyce. They left Los Angeles after her parents got divorced. In fact, Buffy needed to leave Los Angeles because she destroyed her old school's gym when she was fighting a group of vampires there, but that's another story! The incredible thing is that even with all this vampire action, Buffy still had time for the typical things in the life of a teenager - school, friends, boys. But here boyfriends weren't exactly normal. One of her boyfriends was a vampire called Angel. But with her friends Willow and Xander and with her sister Dawn, Buffy was always in good company and they all helped her to win against formidable enemies like The Master, Adam, Faith and Glory.

Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj podane nazwy oraz imiona osób do odpowiednich informacji.

a) Sarah Michelle Gellar ____

b) Sunnydale ____

c)Hellmouth _____

d) Xander __________

e)Dawn _____

f)Glory ____

g)Angel ______

h) Joyce _____

1. One of Buff'y's enemies.

2. One of Buffy's friends.

3. An actress.

4. A vampire, one of Buffy's boyfriends.

5 Buffy's sister.

6.Buffy's mother.

7.The town where Buffy lives.

8.A portal to a different,evil dimension.

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Witam mam do zrobienia 3 krótkie zadanka z tym ze forma jest obrazkowa, nie bardzo wiem jak to wkleic wiec spróbuje opisac rysunek, do tego obrazka są 2 zadania.Na stole lezy deska do krojenia, nóż i przekrojony w połowie chleb.Czipsy kilka sztuk mianowicie 4 rozsypane,kurczak w całosci,1 butelka nie wiadomo z czym wyglada na wode, badz olej nie jest podpisana6 petek kiełbasyPod stołem znajduje się kot który zjada 1 rybe z talerza i2 butelki zakryte kapslami, tez nie wiadomo z jakim napojem- to wszystko nie ma nic wiecej....Zad.1Uzupełnij pytania dotyczace obrazka,wstawiajac podane wyrazy. tomato,biscuits,apple,water,crisps,chicken.a) Are there any biscuits? No ,there aren't.b) Is there any _________? Yes,there is.c) Is there an __________? No,there isn't.d) Is there a __________?No,there isn't.e) Are there any ________? Yes, there are.f) Is there any ______-? Yes,,there is.Zad 2. Przyjrzyj sie obrazkowi i dopasuj fragmenty zdań.a ) There are 1) some waterb) There isn't 2) a cat.c) There is 3)some crisps.d) There is 4) any orange juicee) There aren't 5) some sausagesf) There are 6) a dog.g) There isn't 7) any eggsZad 3.Wybierz poprawną formę a) There are/aren't thirteen months in a year.b)How many days is/are there in a year?c)Is/Are there a computer in your classroom?d)There is/are twenty four hours in a day.e) How many people is/are there in your family?f) Is/Are there three exercises on this page? Yes,there is/are.
Witam mam dwa zadanka z anglika, prosze o pomoc z góry dziękuje.Tekst do zadań.Sinsbury's supermarkets:frequently asked questions.1. How many supermarkets have you got?2.Is there a Sainsbury's supermarket near my house?3. How many products do Sainsbury,s supermarkets offter to the public?4.How much organic food do you offter to the public?5.What facilities do you have for customers to recycle?A) Sainsbury's Supermarkets have got over 3,400 recycling banks in their carparks.You can recycle a lot of different materials,from paper and cardboard to shoes and books.B) A big Sainsbury's supermarket has approximately 23,000 different produkcts.40% of these products are Sainsbury's own products.C) Now we have 583 Sainsbury's supermarkets.Our organisation also has 191 supermarkets in the USA.The name of these supermarkets is Shaws,not Sainsbury's.D)Sainsbury's sells over 600 organic products.Our organic products include vegetables',fruit,bread and meat.E) For a map to see where our supermarkets are,call Freephone 0800 63 62 62,our use Supermarket Locator facility on the Sainsbury,s Supermarkets website.Zad.1Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi w tekscie 1- C 2- ___ 3- ____ 4- _____ 5- ___Zad.2Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz.Czy podane zdania sa prawdziwe czy fałszywe?a) The only material you can recycle at Sainsbury's is paper.___________________________________________________b)In total there are 600 Sainsbury's supermarkets._________________________c)You can buy organic bread at Saintsbury's._____________________________d) You can call a special telephone number to find where Sainsbury's supermarkets are._________________________e) Sainsbury's has one hundred different organic products._______________________________________
Witam mam dwa zadanka z anglika, prosze o pomoc z góry dziękuje.Tekst do zadań.Sinsbury's supermarkets:frequently asked questions.1. How many supermarkets have you got?2.Is there a Sainsbury's supermarket near my house?3. How many products do Sainsbury,s supermarkets offter to the public?4.How much organic food do you offter to the public?5.What facilities do you have for customers to recycle?A) Sainsbury's Supermarkets have got over 3,400 recycling banks in their carparks.You can recycle a lot of different materials,from paper and cardboard to shoes and books.B) A big Sainsbury's supermarket has approximately 23,000 different produkcts.40% of these products are Sainsbury's own products.C) Now we have 583 Sainsbury's supermarkets.Our organisation also has 191 supermarkets in the USA.The name of these supermarkets is Shaws,not Sainsbury's.D)Sainsbury's sells over 600 organic products.Our organic products include vegetables',fruit,bread and meat.E) For a map to see where our supermarkets are,call Freephone 0800 63 62 62,our use Supermarket Locator facility on the Sainsbury,s Supermarkets website.Zad.1Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi w tekscie 1- C 2- ___ 3- ____ 4- _____ 5- ___Zad.2Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz.Czy podane zdania sa prawdziwe czy fałszywe?a) The only material you can recycle at Sainsbury's is paper.___________________________________________________b)In total there are 600 Sainsbury's supermarkets._________________________c)You can buy organic bread at Saintsbury's._____________________________d) You can call a special telephone number to find where Sainsbury's supermarkets are._________________________e) Sainsbury's has one hundred different organic products._______________________________________
Witam i prosze o pomoc , z góry dziekujeToday’s top programmesBBC 1 – 7.30 pm Stadium 1Tonight is the night! At last,it’s the semi-finals of theChampions League.Stadium 1 is bringing youall the action from Madridwhere Liverpool areplaying against RealMadrid.BBC 2 – 7.15 pm Cleopatra,Queen of the NileFor all of you who are NOT interested infootball, BBC2 have an interestingdocumentary. In the documentary the presenterSteve Watts investigates the myth and the realityof this fascinating character called Cleopatra.ITV – 9.30 pm Fun in the SunWhen the football matchfinishes, why don’t you watchthis film? It’s a comedy withthe actors Meg Griffiths andAnthony Ryan. They’re stayingin a hotel in Spain but theholiday is a disaster. Watchthe film to discover why!C4 – 11 pm Celebrity ShipThe new reality show from C4 is different. Tenfamous people live together for the next fourmonths. That’s not very new, but the differenceis that the celebrities are living on a ship. It’simpossible for them to leave the ship … exceptwhen they lose!Zad.1 Przeczytaj informacje o programach telewizyjnych. Dopasuj tytuły doodpowiednich gatunków programów.a ) Stadium 1 _4b ) Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile ___c) Fun in the Sun ___d ) Celebrity Ship _____-1 documentary2 film3 reality show4 sports programmeZad.2Czy podane zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe?a ) Liverpool are playing against Real Madrid in the semi-final of the Champions League._________________________b) Fun in the Sun is a film about football.__________________________c )In Celebrity Ship 12 famous people live on a ship.________________________________d )Steve Watts is an actor. _______________________________Zad.3Przeczytaj teksty jeszcze raz i odpowiedzna pytania.a )Where are Liverpool and Real Madrid playing tonight?____________________________b) Who are Meg Griffiths and Anthony Ryan?_______________________________________c) When is it possible for the celebrities toleave the ship in Celebrity Ship?________________________________d)What time does Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile start?_____________________Zad.4Planujesz zostać wieczorem w domui oglą dać telewizję. Wybierz jedenz opisanych programów i wyjaśnij,dlaczego chcesz go obejrzeć.I want to watch ______________because __________________________
Witam mam kilka zadan z którymi nie moge sie uporac , bardzo prosze o pomoc., bede wdzieczny, a jest tego troche .Zad1Czy podane zdania są w czasie presentsimple (PS), czy present continuous (PC)? a )What do you do on Mondays? PSb )Danny is sitting in the classroom. _________c )Lions eat meat. __________d )My friends and I go to school by bus.________e )His mother and father aren’t watchingthe film. _____f) Do your friends eat Chinese food? _____g) Where are you going? __h) Sharon listens to the radio in the morning._______i) I’m looking for my keys. _____j) What do you like doing in your free time?_____Zad.2 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając podanE czasowniki w czasie present simple lubpresent continuous.a) I am watching (watch) TV at the moment.b )We usually __________(go) shoppingon Friday.c )What____ you_________ (study)now?d)___ you always (do)your homework in your bedroom?e) At the moment my friends and I ____(play) with the computer.f) They___ (get) up at 6 o’clock every morning.g )Hurry up! The bus______ (wait) for us!h )She _____(not know) the answer.Zad 3.My favourite TV (a) programmes Smallville.(b) Im interested in it because(c) its the story of Superman when(d) hes a teenager.(e) supermans parents find him when (f) hes a baby. At first they(g) dont know (h) hes got special powers. Of course, his realname is Clark Kent.(i) clarks friends are Lana,Chloe and Pete but they(j) havent got special powers.A) Wstaw apostrof we właściwe miejsce w wyróżnionych wyrazach.a PROGRAMME'Sb _______c ________d ___________e______F____g__________h_________i______j________B) Rozwiń formy skrócone zawarte w tekście.a Programme isb _______c _______d __________e______-f__________g______-h__________i__________j_____Zad.4Wybierz poprawną formę.a )What are/is your friend doing?b) Helen and I are tidy/tidying up.c )Bob and Frank –/are staying in and watching a film.d) Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am/I am doing.e) My sister is have/having a shower.Zad.5 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając podane czasowniki w czasie present simple lubpresent continuous.a) Katy always does (do) the shopping on Friday.b )Paul_______ (talk) to the teacher at the moment.c) We _____(visit) our uncle and aunt twice a month.d) Ten people____ (play) there now.ZAD 6aWybierz poprawną formę.a )My brother never go/goes to the cinema.b) I watch/watches films three times a week.c )Ray don’t go/doesn’t go to the cinema very often.d )My best friend watch/watches one film every day.e) My dad hardly ever see/sees any films. Uporządkuj zdania z ćwiczenia 6a pod względem częstotliwości wykonywaniaczynności, od bardzo częstych do rzadkich.Very_____________________________ Very frequent -d - - - - - infrequent - (tam jest 5 liter, pierwsza zaczyna się na "d")Bede bardzo wdzieczny za pomoc, bo mam spore zaległosci. i prosze o powazne podejscie do zadn, od tego zalezy moje byc albo nie byc;-) dzieki
Witam...zalezy mi na wszystkich , zadaniach - z góry dziekuje4a Czy w podanych zdaniach przysłówkiczęstotliwości znajdują się we właściwychmiejscach? Popraw błędne zdania.a I watch never adverts. I never watch adverts.b My friends and I go to the cinema hardly every _______________________________c My father sometimes makes dinner.______________________________d Always we have English class on Monday.______________________________e I don’t tidy often my bedroom.______________________________f We usually go for a walk on Sunday._____________________________b Zaznacz zdania w ćwiczeniu 4a, jeślimówią prawdę o tobie( v), lub , jeśli sąnieprawdziwe.(x)5 Przetłumacz zdania na język polski.a) My friend plays tennis once a week.______________________________b) My parents hardly ever watch films._____________________c) Pat doesn’t often come to my house.______________________________d) Barbara and Diana watch the news everymorning.______________________________________e) We visit our grandparents three or fourtimes a month.______________________________________f) I usually ride a bike in spring.____________________________________6 .Napisz zdania o tym, jak częstoposzczególne osoby oglądają wiadomości.a Jean------- once a weekb Jamie -----sometimesc Becky ------twice a dayd Marta ----alwayse David ----every eveningf Derek ---nevera) Jean watches the news once a week. b) Jamie__________________ c) Becky______________________d) Marta____________________ e) David_________________f) Derek _______________________ I tutaj zaczynaja sie schody , bo jest krzyzówka i obrazki, mozna te wszystkie zdadania zobaczyc na stronie http://macmillan.pl/files_catalog/04_gimnazjum/switch_into_english/2/Switch_into_English_2_WB_Unit_2.pdfczyli cała strona 16 i cała strona 17 7 Rozwiaż krzyzówke ACROSS1 do homework 4 play …....... games6 make the ….... 7 do the …....8 ….... TVDOWN 2 read a …... 3 …...5 take out the …......8 Co robią osoby na obrazku? Napisz zdaniaz podanymi czasownikami w czasie presentcontinuous.a Alice is cooking.b Fiona _____________c Mark and Simon ________d Philip _______________e Margaret ____________f William ______________Zeby widziec te wszystkie zadania ze str.16 i 17 konieczne jest wejscie na tego linka, nie umiem tego wkleic ani skopiowac. Bardzo prosze Was o pomoc, bo tak sie napociłem zeby cokolwiek tu wpisac. Jeszcze raz dzieki :-)

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