Witam! Proszę o szybkie przetłumaczenie tego tekstu. Jeżeli chodzi o siostrę to mam na mysli pielęgniarkę. Bardzo potrzebne dlatego tyle punktów. Proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie!!!
W : Doctor! Doctor ! D : Hallo W : Are you a expert from brain ? D : Hallo W : Are you a expert from brain ? D : No I'm not. No I'm not... Yes I'm. It's me. W : I have a brainache. D : In that case examine his you imbecile. W : No, no . He is in my head !! D : If need take him . W : Take ? D : Yes, with head. Every a small part . Nurse, nurse ! Introduce you from a surgrery brain . S : Yes, sir ! D : Where is lancet ? S : Doctor is a genius. D : Where is a bloody lancet ? I have a brainache too.
D2 : Glasses, tendril , kerchief . I' ll operacting. W : Hi ! D2 : We forgotten anaesthetize his ! Anesthetis, anesthetis ! A : I came that anaesthize you !
D : Hallo
W : Are you a expert from brain ?
D : Hallo
W : Are you a expert from brain ?
D : No I'm not. No I'm not... Yes I'm. It's me.
W : I have a brainache.
D : In that case examine his you imbecile.
W : No, no . He is in my head !!
D : If need take him .
W : Take ?
D : Yes, with head. Every a small part . Nurse, nurse ! Introduce you from a surgrery brain .
S : Yes, sir !
D : Where is lancet ?
S : Doctor is a genius.
D : Where is a bloody lancet ? I have a brainache too.
D2 : Glasses, tendril , kerchief . I' ll operacting.
W : Hi !
D2 : We forgotten anaesthetize his ! Anesthetis, anesthetis !
A : I came that anaesthize you !