October 2018 2 11 Report

Witam. Proszę o pomoc w zadaniu z j.angielsiego.


Mobile phone facts:

In 1973 Martin Cooper invented the mobile phone but the first moblie phone only arrived in the shops in 1983. It was very big and heavy. It weighed about two kilos.

Today three billion people around the world have got a landline but over three billion people have got a moblie phone.

In the Uk 50 million people use moblie phones, in India 54 million, it the USA 170 million, in Africa 310 million and in China 595 million

Moblie phones are very popular in India and China and many Africa countries beacuse not many people have got landlines.

Zadanie: Read Mobile phone facts again and answer the questions.

1. When did Martin Cooper invent the moblie phone?

2. When did the first moble phone arrive in the shops?

3.How many people in the world have got a Iandline phone?

4. Why are mobile phones popular in China and Africa?

Na to zadanie pani kazała nam odpowiadać pełnymi zdaniami. Mam zapisane w zeszycie ,ze mają to być odpowiedzi w czasie przeszłym. Ostatnio braliśmy takie czasy z did, didn`t pytania, krótkie odpowiedzi past simple was, were itp i Past simple of regular verbs: arrfimative and negative np: She walked out of the houses. She didn`t walk out of the house. Proszę o pomoc w razie pytań prosze pisać na skrzynke! z góry DZIĘKUJĘ;)

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