Witam. Proszę o pomoc proszę o przetłumaczenie tych zdan na język angielski .PILNE
1.Moje ulubione prace domowe to gotowanie i prasowanie nie lubię sprzątac
2.Mój wolny czas lubie spedzac na zakupach bo poprawia mi to nastrój.
3.Lubię robic zakupy w osiedlowym sklepie bo nie ma kolejek.
4.Tak często wykonuję długie rozmowy bo lubię rozmawiać z ludżmi
5.Lubię robic zdjęcia krajobrazowi bo kocham przyrodę.
6.Aby chronic zwierzeta mogę dołączyc do organizacji ochrony nad zwierzętami
7.Uważam ze ochrona środowiska jest ważna bo ziemia jest naszym domem
8.Uwazam ze powinno to być zabronione bo zwierzeta tozywe istoty które cierpią.
9.Zaleta pracy w biznesie śą zyski i rozwój osobisty a wadą brak czasu dla rodziny.
10.Lubie zwiedzac poniewaz fascynuja mnie podróze i odkrywanie nowych miejsc.
11.Lubie podróżowac bo lubie przygody oraz zwiedzanie
12.Ludzia na wózkach inwalidzkich trzeba pomagac w pokonywaniu przeszkód.
13.Poszlabym na plaże bo bardzo lubię sie opalac
14.Wole mieszkać w domu bo lubie przestrzen
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. My favorite housework is cooking and ironig but I don't like clean.
2.Myfree timeI likespendon shoppingbecauseitimprovesmymood.
3.I liketo doshopping atlocal departmentstorebecausethere aren't queues.
4.So frequentlyI makelong conversationsbecause I liketo talk to people
5.I liketo dolandscapepicturesbecause I lovenature.
6.To protect yourpetscanjoin theorganizationof protectionof animals
7.In my opiniontheenvironmentis importantbecausethe earthis our home
8.I believethis should onlybe bannedbecauseanimals areliving beingsthat suffer.
9.The advantage ofworkingin business areprofitableand personal developmentand thedisadvantage oflack of timefor the family.
10.I like thetourbecauseI'm fascinated bytravelingand discoveringnew places.
I like travelingbecauseI likeadventureandsightseeing12.Peoplein wheelchairsneed toprovide assistancein overcomingobstacles.
13.I wentto the beachbecause I'dreally liketo sunbathe
14.Crop oflive at homebecauseI likethe space
1. My favourite kind of house chores are cooking and ironing, but I hate cleaning.
2. I love spending my free time going shopping as it gives my mood a lift.
3. I prefer shopping in shopping centres, because there are no queues there.
4. I often take part in long conversations because I love talking to people soo much.
5. I like taking pictures of the world around me because I love nature.
6. To help protect animals you should join an organisation that protects animals.
7. I believe that the preservation of the environment is essential, as we count the Earth as our home.
8. I believe it should be banned, because animals are living beings that suffer too.
9. The advantages of working in business include making profits, along with personal and professional development, but the disadvantages include spending too much time away from the family.
10. I love going sightseeing, because I am fascinated with travelling and discovering new places.
11. Travelling appeals to me, because I love going on adventures and going sightseeing.
12.People who are confined to wheelchairs should be provided with help in overcoming daily obstacles.
13. I would like to be at the beach because I really like sunbathing.
14. I would rather live in a house because I like lots of space to move around in.