Witam, potrzebuję wiersz po angielsku.. Najlepiej o złamanym sercu ( nieudanej miłości z 2 osobą). Daję dużo punktów, a więc wiersz musi być o przyzwoitej długośći. Sam potrafię świetnie angielski ale nie potrafię rymować.. Z góry dzięki!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I believedyourwords,butwordsflew.I believedyourlips,butlipsskłamały.I believedthyheart,but theheartrhythmchanged.I believedthatlove me, butitwasnot true.He was aplaingrayday...I stoodover the precipiceof lifeandPowerlessIwantedto jump...That'swhenI metyou...Itwas then thatthefirst timewe metupwaveredjust...Gotten, sayingthatfor a long timeyouprobablyintriguedby the factthatbehavestrangelyafter a fewdaysalreadymetyoumore...I knowitwhenyou've wastedlifethenyou're gone...Poleciałeśtoitas soonasthe wind blowsinmyhearthopelastleafhas fallen...Odkochaćnotknow how...Again,liferegret...It wasa dark,cold night...I stoodover the precipiceof lifeI could notlive...Unfortunately thesecond timesomeonecamewavered...It appeared...Best friend...Small,silverandhelpfulshowedthat theroadof lifeis very simple...She couldtake mylife...Why did she leave?She couldjustkillme...Why donotyou do?Withtimestoppedto help me...Samhadtodealwithproblemsin thestarrynightover theprecipicestood...Now I do notwavered...I jumped...My only regret isthatI survivedthe fallI'll tryagain...Jumpback...Thistime,effectively...
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