Witam, potrzebuję pomocy mam zadane napisać list zażaleniowy i nie wiem jak się do tego zabrać. Chciałbym aby ktoś z was napisał dla mnie "gotowca". List najlepiej żeby dotyczył zakupionej na aukcji części komputerowej(karta graficzna czy coś, cokolwiek), która po zainstalowaniu w komputerze nie działa i proszą o wymianę, bądź zwrot kosztów. Format oczywiście listu. Z góry dziękuje i proszę o w miarę szybką pomoc.
Marek Nabłocki Klonowa 2/20 18-46 Kielce Poland
Digital Shop 14Reznor Street London SW3 RF8 England
Dear Sir, With refernece to the above equipment and relevant invoice, I need your immediate help and assistance. The CD player that I have bought from you does not work. It arrived by delivery van in a broken state. I wrote on the driver's delivery note that the goods were damaged.
Subsequently, after plugging the player into my sound system, it failed to work. I have spoken to your Service Officer Stefan Moor in despatch and has asked me to put everythin in writting.
The goods are ready for your colletion and I need a replacement set by return. If a replacement set cannot be delivered this week then I require a full refund of the purchase price.
I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Marek Nabłocki
Klonowa 2/20
18-46 Kielce
Digital Shop
14Reznor Street
London SW3 RF8
Dear Sir,
With refernece to the above equipment and relevant invoice, I need your immediate help and assistance. The CD player that I have bought from you does not work. It arrived by delivery van in a broken state. I wrote on the driver's delivery note that the goods were damaged.
Subsequently, after plugging the player into my sound system, it failed to work. I have spoken to your Service Officer Stefan Moor in despatch and has asked me to put everythin in writting.
The goods are ready for your colletion and I need a replacement set by return. If a replacement set cannot be delivered this week then I require a full refund of the purchase price.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Marek Nabłocki