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Informacje o Artylerii-
When was this weapon invented and by whom?
How effective was this weapon?
Did this weapon have any disadvantages?
When and where was it first used on the Western front?
I jeszcze to samo potrzebuję do Dział maszynowych jak Mg-42 tylko na 1 wojnie. Może po pół strony albo cała. Czyli te same pytania do Artylerii i Dział Maszynowych. Wszystko z pierwszej wojny, mogą być niemieckie ale najlepiej brytyjskie.
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World War I-an armed conflictlasting from28 July 1914to 11November 1918(in the twentiesand thirtiesof the twentieth centurycalled thegreat war) between theEntente, which included, inter alia,the United Kingdom,France, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Italy(from1915), United States (since1917)andthe Central Powers, namelyAustria-Hungaryand Germany,supportedby Turkeyand Bulgaria.
It was the largestarmed conflicton the European continentsincethe Napoleonic wars,completedefeatof the Central Powers,the liquidation ofpowersandthe creation ofthe Holy Alliancein Centraland South Americaa number ofnation-states.Despite theenormity oftheirloss andshockcaused bythe wardoes notsolvemost of theconflictsthat ledto the outbreak ofthe Second World War21 years later.
This warwasa clash oftwentieth-centuryartfrom the nineteenth-centurystrategy andtactics.DuringWorld War I,for the first timein the history ofusedchemical weapons, airplanes, submarines, tanks. - TO TA NOTATKA PO ANGIELSKU O I WOJNIE ŚWIATOWEJ