Witam! muszę odpowiedzieć na pytanie: When are you happiest? At school? At home? With friends? Mam na nie odpowiedzieć mieszcząc się w przedziale od 120 - 150słow. Chciałbym, aby ktoś mi to napisał mniej więcej tak: będąc w domu jestem szczęśliwy, bo mogę się rozerwać(i coś tam jeszcze), gdy jestem w szkole także jestem szczęśliwy, ponieważ mogę pogadać z kolegami i coś się nauczyć(takie tam), ale najszczęśliwszy jestem gdy przebywam z przyjaciółmi , bo mogę się z nimi podzielić problemami, ani mnie zawsze wysłuchają i zrozumieją zawsze mogę na nich liczyć. mniej więcej jeśli ktoś może to niech mi tak napisze. PROSZĘ
120-150 słów When I'm at home I'm really happy. In my home I can relax and when I have to I can talk with my parents about my problems. I'm also happy when I'm in school. There I meet my best friends, class. I meet new friends, too. Every day I learn something new, so I can't tell that school doesn't make me happy. I'm the happiest person all over the world when I'm with my real friends. I can go with them everywhere. They always listen to me. We like joking together. I can always tell them my problems and if they could, they help me. They understand me and I can always count on them. With them my mouth are always smilling.
When I'm at home I'm really happy. In my home I can relax and when I have to I can talk with my parents about my problems. I'm also happy when I'm in school. There I meet my best friends, class. I meet new friends, too. Every day I learn something new, so I can't tell that school doesn't make me happy. I'm the happiest person all over the world when I'm with my real friends. I can go with them everywhere. They always listen to me. We like joking together. I can always tell them my problems and if they could, they help me. They understand me and I can always count on them. With them my mouth are always smilling.
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