Witam, muszę napisać na jutro maila po angielsku do kogoś w którym opisuje przestępstwo które widziałem, musi być zawarte troche informacji miejsce, rodzaj przestępstwa, zapytać sie tej osoby co mam zrobić w takim wypadku itd.
praca na 120-150 słów. nie z neta.
Hello you. I am very shaken. My hands shake. I saw something terrible today. A man attacked my friend. It was a moment before. I went with Kate to the park. Previously, we went for ice cream. Then we went to a place that is rarely visited by humans. We saw our friend Anna, who screamed terribly. Beside her stood a tall man and shouted at her. When he saw us quickly uciekłyśmy. After some time przyzła to my house crying Anne.She told me that this man stole her phone, money, and MP4. I advised her to go along with the police. But she said she was afraid. I do not know what to do now. I do not want her hurt. Maybe you have an idea? We ask you for help. I do not know quite what to do and want to help my best friend. I greet you.
może być ? :)