Witam ! Ja tez niewiem czy jestesmy spokrewnieni, dlatego chcialabym sie dowiedziec czy jestesmy rodzina czy poprostu to zbieznosc nazwisk. Moi dziadkowie opowiadali mi ze mielismy jakas rodzine we Francji.Gdzie wczesniej mieszkaliscie? A moze Wy macie rodzine we Francji albo w Polsce. Jak nazywali się Twoi rodzice, dziadkowie? Pozdrawiam.
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I don't know if we're related either, that's why I would like to know if we are or if we only have the same surname. My grandparents told me that we'd had some family in France. Where did you live before? Or maybe you have some family in France or in Poland? What were your parents' and grandparents' names?
Best wishes,
Hello! I don't know If we're siblings too, but I wish I could fin out If we're family or if it's just coincidence. My gradparents told me that we had family in France. Where did you live earlier? And maybe you have family here, in Poland or in France? What's name of your parents, grandparents? Greetings.