święta Bożego Narodzenia spędziłeś u cioci. Po powrocie piszesz do niej list. W liście:
-podziękuj za zaproszenie
-napisz jak wyglądała podróz powrotna
-opisz swoje plany na sylwestra
Potrzebne na dzis na 21! Proszę :) daj naj !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Aunt !
How are you keeping? I hope you are fine. Thank you again for invited me to you for Christmas.
I'm writing to tell you about my coming back home. It was great. I flew above the clouds. You know that I travelled by plane. When I was in your house for Christmas you asked my about my plans for New Year. I said that I don't know yet, but now I know. I'm going to spend this day with my friends in my house. I'm going to organize the best party what they ever seen. What about your plans?
Well that's all for now.
Take care.
(podpisujesz sie) :)