September 2018 2 18 Report
Windy has a big family . Her grandfather and grandmother , Mr . And Mrs . Yulianto have three children . Thir first child is Mrs . Anisa Yulianto . She is married to Mr . Danang . She has two sons . They are Rocki and Ricki . The second child of Mr . And Mrs . Yulianto is Mr . Yongki Yulianto , Windi's father . His wife is Ratna Yulianto . They have two daughter and a son . Their first daughter is Windy . The last son is Bayu . Mr . Yulianto's last child is Mr . Yuda Yulianto . His wife is Antik Yulianto . They do not have children ...
1. How many children does Mr . Yulianto have ?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
2. Who is Mr . Danang ?
a. Yulianto's father
b. Yulianto's son
c. Ricki's uncle
d. Winda's uncle
3. Who is Mrs. Ratna Yulianto ?
a. Mr. Yulianto's daughter
b. Mr. Danang's wife
c. Mr. Yuda's sister
d. Rocki's aunt
4. Who are Windy's cousins ?
a. Rocki and Ricki
b. Winda and Bayu
c. Rocki and Winda
d. Ricki and Bayu
5. Who is Mrs. Antik Yulianto ?
a. Windy's grandmother
b. Windy's mother
c. Winda's sister
d. Bayu's aunt
6. Who is Bayu ?
a. Windy's cousin
b. Mr. Yongki's nephew
c. Mr. Yuda's nephew
d. Mrs. Anisa's son

(Plisss tolong dijawab yaaa)

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