December 2018 1 19 Report
Pierwsza orbita w atomie wodoru ma promień r1=53 pm. Czy elektron w tym atomie wodoru może znajdować się na orbicie o podanym promieniu? Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź.
a)10r1 Tak NIE
b)36r1 TAK NIE
c)48r1 TAK NIE
d)212 pm TAK NIE
e) 1060pm TAK NIE
f) 5,3nm TAK NIE

1.Inaczej absorpcja
6.Twórca modelu atomu wodoru
7.Po niej porusza się elektron w modeu Bohra
8.Jego nazwiskiem nazwano stałą h
9.Następuje, gdy elektron przechodzi na nizszą orbitę
1>jądro atomu wodoru
2.Tyle razy promień drugiej orbity jest większy od promienia pierwszej
3.Najmniejsza ilość danego pierwiastka
4.Następuje, gdy elektron przechodzi na wyższą orbitę
5.Krąży wokół jądra

3. Uzupełnij informację dotyczącą atomu wodoru tak, aby była poprawna. Podkreśl słowa, które właściwie uzupełniają poniższy tekst.
-Zgodnie z postulatami Bohra elektron porusza się na danej orbicie po okręgu ze stałą prędkością. Wobec tego musi na niego działać skierowana do środka okręgu siła dośrodkowa/odśrodkowa
-W tym przypadku rolę tej siły odgrywa siła przyciągania grawitacyjnego/elektrostatycznego między protonem/neutronem a elektronem
-Wraz ze zwiększeniem numeru orbity promień orbity zwiększa się/zmniejsza się, a co za tym idzie, wartość siły oddziaływania między protonem, a neutronem/elektronem jest mniejsza/większa

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Witam serdecznie. Mam za zadanie zrobić 2 zadania do tekstu. 50 pkt oferuje!!Tekst jest trochę długi. Oferuję 30 pkt.ZADANIA:2. Read the article again and match the sentences (A-F) with the gaps ( 1-5). There is one extra sentences that you do not need.A Do a search of yourself on the internet and you might be suprised at how many different sites know about you!B Most people couldn't work today without the internet. C Would you show them your photos?D Yes, and that's part of the problem.E But how does it work?F Classical literature science, maths, foreign, languages... you can find almost everything you need on your computer screen.Zad 3. Are these sentences true of false? Write T or F. Correct the false sentences.1. The internet is about 20 years old.2. Some search engines only correct information about people.3. You can only use Google Goggles with pictures of books. 4. Google allows users to use photos to search the web for information about people.5. Supporters of Google Goggles say we should be careful about th personal information we put on the internet.TEKST:As a student, you already know that the internet is a great place to find information to help you with you studies. <<<<<ZAD2>>>> You can also meet friends, download music and watch you favourite TV programmes online. In just twenty years, the internet has collected information on everything. It has also collected information on you!If you use a social networking site, you might be surprised to find that the information that you upload onto it can also appear on other sites. People search engines , such as, find and store all the information that is on the internet about a person. So, the personal information, photos and videos that you post to a social networking site can appear in other places, including information that you removed a long time ago. <<<<<ZAD2>>>> And in the future you might not need to type in your name. A photo will be quicker.Google Goggles is a new system for use with mobile phones with cameras. It allows you to search for information by using images. <<<<<ZAD2>>>> Well, imagine you are in a bookshop and want to know more about a novel. Just take a photo of the book cover and in seconds you'll have reviews about it on your mobile phone. Or if you're in a supermarket and you want to find out about a new food product, taking a photo of it will quickly give you all the information you need. Simple, isn't it.Imagine you are sitting in a cafe when a stranger takes your photo. 'Why? you ask. The answer is that the person might want to get instant information about you using Google Goggles. At the moment uploading photos of people's faces. However, if the technology exists, other internet companies might offer a similar service and also allow users to search the internet using photos of people. BBut is it really something to worry about? Well, that depends on how people want to use the information that they find out about you. Some people say that technology like Google Goggles will make our lives even less private. However, Google Goggles also has its defenders.According to the fans of Google Goggles, the service it offers is very helpful. We can find out more about shops, restaurants, art, books and public buildings just by taking a photo of them. Fans also say that people can, and should, carefully control the person information and photos that they upload to social networking sites. Would you tell a stranger everything about your private life? <<<<<ZAD2>>>>Of course not! Therefore, we should always think of the internet as a helpful stranger and then we won't have any problems.

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