October 2018 1 16 Report

Ćwiczenie do angleiskiego "Up beta1"

1 klasa gimnazjum.

Zad 8 str 116

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What is the right thing to do?

Tonight, 7.00, Channel 2.

Tonight, Donnie Stevens talks to people with problems.


Carla doesn't likes her job. 'I hate 1it. They people at work don't talko to 2___ , and I don't talk to 3___ . The menager, Mr Davies, is friendly. I talk to 4___ every day, but it doesn't help. Pleas, Donnie, tell 5___ what to do.'

Stev and Charlie do't want to go to school. 'We don't like 6___ . They teachers are nice - we like 7___ - but the other students don't talk to 8___ . They say we aren't cool. One girl, Lorna, is nice. We lkie 9___ , but she's not in our class. Please, Donnie tell 10___ whet to do.'

What do you think? What's the right thing to do?

Donnie wants to hear from 11___ .

Proszę o pomoc, jestem słaba z angielskiego.

Dam Naj i dziękuję z góry. <'3

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