ćwicz 1)
Dopasuj słowa z kolumn A i B tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia . Z niektórymi słowami możesz utworzyć więcej niż jedno wyrażenie .
Kolumna A
get,give ,work,ask,revise,pass,take,plan,fail,do,wear,study,use,
Kolumna B
a coursebook,lessons homework ,marks,questions,uniforms,in class,in pairs,an exam,a test ,for a test.
Cwicz 2)
uzupełnij zdania wybranymi czasownikami z ćwicz 1
1) usually ..............for a test a few days before.
2) the students.........tests at the end of each term.
3)our teachers don t ..........us a lot of homework.
4) We.........coursebooks in class.
5) The students often.........in pairs in English lessons.
6)we don t...........uniforms at school.
7)we......marks for homework and tests.
8)when do you .............your homework.
9)they...............a lot of subjects.
10)All students want to.............the final exam.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Ćw. 1.
work in pairs
pass an exam
wear uniforms
study for a test
do homework
use a coursebook
ask questions
give lessons
take lessons
fail a test
get marks
revise a homework
plan questions
ćw. 2
1) study
2) pass
3) take
4) use
5) work
6) wear
7) get
8) do
9) plan
10) pass
pass a test
fail an exam
revise for a test
get marks
ask questions
wear uniforms
use a cursebook
study in pairs
do homework
take homework
give lessons
plan lessons
1. study
3. take
4. use
5. work
7. get
8. do