Odpowiedz na pytania Wszedzie po 2 argumenty
what sports do you enjoy playing? Why?
what sports do you enjoy watching? Why?
what sports would you like to try in the future ?
which winter sports do you like? why
what do you do to stay healthy?
are you a member of gym? why/ why not?
would you like to work in health care? Why/ why not?
have you ever injured? tell me abut it
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I enjoy playing volleyball and basketball becouse those sports help me to stay active and I like playing in team.
I enjoy watching volleyball and handball becouse I like to think what the team can do in different situation and I can't be bored watching them becouse always there is some action.
I would try skydiving and skateboarding in the future becouse I would like to get to know how is it and I would get some experience.
I like skiing and iceskating becouse I enjoy them and I can be active in winter becouse of them.
I try to eat more healthy food and I do some excercises from time to time.
I am not a member of a gym becouse I'm not interested in gymnasticks and I'm not really good at this.
Yes, maybe one day I will. It would be a good expirience and I could use it on my private life.
It can be weird but I never injured bad, a few times I had little scratches but they weren't serious.
I enjoy playing volleyball and football,because those sports help me to be active and be healthy.
I enjoy watching ice skating,because it's exciting and skaters dresses are beautiful.
In the future I would like to try ice skating,because ice skating is exciting.
I like skiing and ice skating,because I like exciting sports and I like spend time outdoors.
I eat healthy food and do some exercise to stay healthy.
I'm member of gym,because I'm interested in gymnastics and I'm really good at this.
I wouldn't like to work in health care,because I'm not interested in it.
Several times,but I never injured bad, a few times I had little scratches but they weren't serious.