1.Do you think the people are enjoying what they are doing?
2.which sport is the most enjoyable for you to watch?
3. Tell me about situation when you or someone you know tried a new sport.
4. What can we do to protect the Earth?
5. What are the dangers of climate change?
6. Should nuclear energy plants be banned? Why?/Why not?
7. What do you think about ecologists' protests against the building of new roads and factories?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.Yes, Ithinkthat peoplethatare happyto helpothers andgivethem thesatisfaction
2. Imostlike towatchbasketball
3. My friendrecentlylearned torideon skis
4. We cansegregategarbage
5. The risksare many,butmost important isglobal warming
6. Electricalpowershould be bannedbecause itbadlyaffectsour planet
I agreewith thembecauseI try tolive ecologically