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kilka tematów do wyboru:
1.Why do some people decide to do dangerous jobs? Express your opinion giving some examples.
2.Travelling is one of the most exciting activities you can do. Would you agree with this statment? Why?/Why not?
3.Home is not where you live but where they understand you (Christian Morgenstern). How do you understand this statment?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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temat 2.
travelling is one of the most exciting activitis that you can do when you have lots of time.there are lots and lots of places to can travel by car,train,but the most neutral transport for long distance is by airplain.we can explore lots of bew things when travelling.we can also see new traditions at diffrent countrys.there are lots and lots tv programs about traveling.we can see how people are trying new dishes,new traditions and meeting some new people.sometimes traveling may be very dangeorous because we can get hurt travelling or for example at some wild islands or rain forests.we can get injured by spider venom or snake venom and lots and lots of many creatures.i agree with that statement because i use to travel a lot in my country and i really love it.
podrozowanie jest jednym z najfajnieszych aktywnosci jakie mozna odbywac,kiedy mamy wolny rozne miejsca gdzie mozna pojechac.mozna podrozowac pociagiem,autem oraz samolotem.mozemy zwiedzac rozne ciekawe miejsca kiedy podrozujemy.mozemy rowniez spotkac sie z nowymi tradycjami w roznych przerozne programy telewizyjne odnosnie podrozowania.mozemy na nich zobaczyc jak ludzie probuja rozne dania zwiazane z danym krajem i poznawac roznych nowych ludzi i ich tradycje i kulture.niestety podrozowanie moze stac sie niekiedy zagrozeniem dla zycia.mozemy np zostac ukaszeni przez pajaka albo weza na jakis dzikich wyspach czy lasach i przez wiele wiele innych stworzen.w pelni zgadzam sie z tym ze podrozowanie jest jednym z najbardzie interesujacyh zajec ktore mozna wykonywac,poniewaz sam/a podrozuje i to kocham.