Proszę o pomoc Pilne!!! (Odpowiedzi na pytania razem z przetłumaczeniem tej odpowiedzi na polski: 1.What are the summers like where you live? 2.Do you like films starring animals? 3.How do you save electricity? 4.Do you like working in the garden? Why/Why not? zad2 1.What kind of help might the people in the photograph need? 2.What can people do to protect themselves against such tragedies? 3.Tell me about a natural disaster that hit Poland or the area where you live. zad3 1.What animals make the best friends? Why? 2.Some people say that the way we treat animals says a lot about how we treat other people.What do you think? 3.Should all zoos be shut down? Why/Why not? 4.What can individuals do to save the environment they live in?