My favoritewayofTravellingis car.Mainlybecause I cangowheremy heart desires, andby trainor plane, unfortunatelynot.I take to the car who i want andI stopswhen I wants todo, nobodydoes not forbidmeanything.I admire thescenic viewsandI rideonthe most amazings roadsof the world.At the same timelisten tomyfavorite music,talkingand laughingwith friends.Moreover,we doa lot of pictures, and afterwe returnwas the mostpleasant momentsto recall.
My favoritewayofTravellingis car.Mainlybecause I cangowheremy heart desires, andby trainor plane, unfortunatelynot. I take to the car who i want andI stopswhen I wants todo, nobodydoes not forbidmeanything.I admire thescenic viewsandI rideonthe most amazings roadsof the world.At the same timelisten tomyfavorite music,talkingand laughingwith friends.Moreover,we doa lot of pictures, and afterwe returnwas the mostpleasant momentsto recall.