What your opinion on this question " drivirs sholud only permitted to honk their horns in case pf an emergency??"
(Oh iya, penulisan yang benar itu: "Drivers should only be permitted to honk their horns in case of an emergency?".)
I think that the question is right. Because if a driver honks their horns several of times, it will cause loud noises and will bother everyone around. Horns should be used in a case of emergency.
I think that the question is right. Because if a driver honks their horns several of times, it will cause loud noises and will bother everyone around. Horns should be used in a case of emergency.
I think that the question is right. Because if a driver honks their horns several of times, it will cause loud noises and will bother everyone around. Horns should be used in a case of emergency.
Semoga bermanfaat.