What is The force below Earth that sales landforms?
From about the sixth century. C. began to speculate about the sphericity of the Earth, finding that Thales of Miletus was the first who drew a geographical area. Until then, it was considered flat, but navigation especially in towns as the Phoenicians and Greeks, accompanied by a lot of philosophers and mathematicians made the first mention is made about the earth's surface was actually a sphere. This belief was reflected on the reality when Juan Sebastián Elcano and Fernando Magallanes, managed to turn Earth browsing. However, the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but for optimal representation of it, a sphere (ellipsoid in particular) is used, because it is a regular surface, can be described by mathematical formulas (important when designing the surface on a map). The reality is that the Earth does not respond to any mathematical formula, it is an uneven surface. The planet Earth is actually more like a spheroid.
This belief was reflected on the reality when Juan Sebastián Elcano and Fernando Magallanes, managed to turn Earth browsing.
However, the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but for optimal representation of it, a sphere (ellipsoid in particular) is used, because it is a regular surface, can be described by mathematical formulas (important when designing the surface on a map).
The reality is that the Earth does not respond to any mathematical formula, it is an uneven surface. The planet Earth is actually more like a spheroid.