Jawaban : --The Difference Between Don't and Didn't-- 1) Don't (Do not) Don't biasanya digunakan dalam present tense bentuk kalimat verbal untuk negative sentence. Don't memiliki fungsi dan kedudukan yang setara dengan doesn't. Hanya saja berbeda subjeknya. Don't hanya bisa digunakan pada subjek They, we, I, dan you. Sementara he, she, dan it memakai doesn't. Ex : They don't wash the dishes (Mereka tidak mencuci piring)
2) Didn't (Did not) Didn't digunakan dalam negative verbal sentence juga, hanya saja berbeda tense dengan don't. Didn't digunakan dalam past tense. Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau, namun bentuk negatif (tidak dilakukan). Didn't berlaku untuk semua subjek. Ex : She didn't forget to put the book back (Dia tidak lupa untuk meletakkan bukunya kembali)
english trsnlt : 1) Don't is usually be used in present tense for verbal sentence in negative form. Don't has same function and position with doesn't. The difference is in the subject. Don't only can be used for subject They, we, I, and you. While he, she, and it with doesn't. Ex : They don't wash the dishes
2) Didn't Didn't also be used for verbal sentence, but in different tense with don't. Didn't usually be used in past tense. To state the event that happened in the past, but in negative form (not do it). Didn't can be used to all subject. Ex : She didn't forget to put the book back
Verified answer
→ Don't is form of verb 1 and used in present tense sentencesEx. I don't like singing in the bathroom
→ Didn't is form of verb 2 and used in simple past tense
Ex. I didn't buy my wedding ring yesterday
Verified answer
Jawaban :--The Difference Between Don't and Didn't--
1) Don't (Do not)
Don't biasanya digunakan dalam present tense bentuk kalimat verbal untuk negative sentence. Don't memiliki fungsi dan kedudukan yang setara dengan doesn't. Hanya saja berbeda subjeknya. Don't hanya bisa digunakan pada subjek They, we, I, dan you. Sementara he, she, dan it memakai doesn't.
Ex : They don't wash the dishes (Mereka tidak mencuci piring)
2) Didn't (Did not)
Didn't digunakan dalam negative verbal sentence juga, hanya saja berbeda tense dengan don't. Didn't digunakan dalam past tense. Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau, namun bentuk negatif (tidak dilakukan). Didn't berlaku untuk semua subjek.
Ex : She didn't forget to put the book back (Dia tidak lupa untuk meletakkan bukunya kembali)
english trsnlt :
1) Don't is usually be used in present tense for verbal sentence in negative form.
Don't has same function and position with doesn't. The difference is in the subject. Don't only can be used for subject They, we, I, and you. While he, she, and it with doesn't.
Ex : They don't wash the dishes
2) Didn't
Didn't also be used for verbal sentence, but in different tense with don't. Didn't usually be used in past tense. To state the event that happened in the past, but in negative form (not do it). Didn't can be used to all subject.
Ex : She didn't forget to put the book back
Semoga membantu^^