Aprizal Mulyadi was at school when the quake hit, and was trapped after "the room collapsed".
The 14-year-old said his "legs were buried under the rubble", but he was pulled to safety by his friend Zulfikar, who later died after himself becoming trapped.
In the given context, the words "his friend" refer to Zulfikar. Aprizal Mulyadi was pulled to safety by his friend Zulfikar, who later became trapped and died.
Verified answer
In this context, "his friend" refers to Zulfikar, who rescued Aprizal Mulyadi after he was trapped under the rubble during a quake.
In the given context, the words "his friend" refer to Zulfikar. Aprizal Mulyadi was pulled to safety by his friend Zulfikar, who later became trapped and died.