What are the disadvantages of studing abroad? Do you agree that all students in Poland sholud pay for their university education why do you fink some student decide to take a part-time job
- it's very expensive - far away from home - having to study in a foreign language
No, I don't agree. Education should be free and easily accessible for everyone, not only for the rich. Everyone should have the same opportunities to develop their talents after high school.
Because they don't want their parents to pay for everything. I think there is also a sense of independence when you earn your own money.
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bardzo drogo
daleko od domu
nauka w obcym języku
nie zgadzam się. edukacja powinna być darmowa i latwo dostępna dla wszystkich, nie tylko dla bogatych. każdy powinien mieć te same możliwości rozwijania swoich talentów po liceum.
ponieważ nie chcą, aby rodzice płacili za wszystko. jest też pewne poczucie niezależności, kiedy zarabia się własne pieniądze.
- far away from home
- having to study in a foreign language
No, I don't agree. Education should be free and easily accessible for everyone, not only for the rich. Everyone should have the same opportunities to develop their talents after high school.
Because they don't want their parents to pay for everything. I think there is also a sense of independence when you earn your own money.