Zad. 1. ćw. Maxi Extras str. 4 Uzupełnij zdania formami was/were lub wasn't/weren't
1. Before the holidays I _________ really tired. 2. In 2005 ____________ a charming little village. Now it's very crowded! 3. She _______ very brave! She _____________ scared at all! 4. You _____________ in the Caribbean on holiday! Don't lie to me! 5. They __________ at school last week because they _________ on holiday. 6. This touristy region ______________ different in the past. 7. Many buildings ______________ in ruins but now they look great.
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1. was 2. it was 3. was / wasn't 4. weren't 5. weren't / were 6. was 7. were
2. it was
3. was / wasn't
4. weren't
5. weren't / were
6. was
7. were