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Hi Ollie!
We had a brilliant weekend in London. I went there with Mum and Tina on the train. There was/were great museums, and was/there was a lot to see. It/There was great!
First, we went to the Natural History Museum. there was/were a giant dinosaur near the entrance. Were there/There werelots of small children too, and they/there were really noisy! After that, we went schopping in Kensington Market. There was/were some fantastic clothes. I got a new pair of jeans.
How was your weekend?
Lottie x
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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There were great museums, and there was a lot to see. It was great!
There was a giant dinosaur near the entrance.
There were lots of small children too, and they were really noisy!
Prosze. Na grubo zaznaczone są wyraz, które masz zakreślić. Licze na naj. :)