Wath to eat to keep healty? Fruit or fast food? Why?
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Jeśli chcemy być zdrowi musimy jeść zdrowe jedzenie, takie jak warzywa i owoce. Dają nam one witaminy i dobre składniki odżywcze. Jedzenie fast foodów nie jest dobre. Przez jedzenie ich w nadmiernnych ilościach możemy mieć nadwagę i problemy z narządami.
If we want to be healthy, we have to eat healthful food, like vegetables and fruits. They give us vitamins and good elements. Eating fast foods isn't good. Because of eating lots of them we can have excess weight and problem with ours organs.
If we want to be healthy, we have to eat healthful food, like vegetables and fruits. They give us vitamins and good elements.
Eating fast foods isn't good. Because of eating lots of them we can have excess weight and problem with ours organs.